2022 could not have started on a greater note than this. We are proud to announce that Xtract.io has been globally awarded as Contributor of the Year 2021 for the categories Data Science and Data Analytics, by a technology publishing platform called Hackernoon. Read our winning interview here.
We can’t wait to celebrate this victory of ours with you!
COVID-19 pandemic had rewritten the maps of many businesses. Many stores and shops had shut down, relocated, temporarily closed, etc. Thus, location data played a vital role in shaping the future of businesses by providing real-time location insights to take geographic-driven decisions. Our winning blog “Polygon data: What it is and how it can be used?”, written by our author Varsha Chopra was aimed to encourage and educate businesses to use polygon data and location intelligence solutions to strategize their next move.
Just when we were celebrating this nomination, we had another blog of ours “4 Ways Data Quality Can Add Value To Your Retail Business” written by our author Abinaya Sundarajan published, nominated, and awarded for the Contributor of the Year in the Data Science category. The blog primarily shares value-based information on the importance of leveraging good data and how bad data can derail your business.
We are proud to have both our blogs published and nominated for the #Noonies2021 Awards. After months of voting and encouragement from our followers and supporters, here we are, raising the trophy!
We are thankful to the Hackernoon team for giving us the opportunity to present our views and thoughts and to all the people who supported us in this journey. Thank you!